Assignment: Choose 3 local agencies/corporations and 3 national/international agencies/corporations that you are interested in. For each one, talk about what they do, why you're interested, and what position you might want.
Legwork is doing exactly what I imagine myself doing after graduation: animation, editing, and a variety of other motion design things. I think it's really cool how many different animation styles they work with, from stop-motion-esque to hi-fidelity pseudo-realism. They aren't hiring interns at the moment, but if they open up to interns, I would probably want a position editing, touching-up, and creating animatics.
Like Legwork, Frost isn't bound by style. They do a lot of motion-tracking work, some full-3D pieces, and even some hand-drawn animation. This seems like another place where I could gain a lot of experience in motion. Frost doesn't advertise their openings on their website, so I don't know if or what they could possibly want to add to their team. I need a mentor-ship more than anything, so if they need someone to do some of the more menial, repetitive tasks of editing, I think that could be a great place to start.
Backflip develops and maintains mobile games. If I want to go down the game-dev route, this might be a great place to start. The nice this about mobile games is that their premise is often simple. A mobile game stands out when the micro-transactions are either non-invasive, or non-existent, the gameplay is short and well implemented, there is a frequent sense of gratification, and the art/animation is subtle, but interesting. They aren't looking for interns or entry-level artists, but that's how I would want to start
Another animation studio. This one creates animations that are definitely at my skill level. This place might make the most sense to start.
Another motion graphics/animaton studio. I don't know much about it yet other than the fact that it's pretty well known.
I found out only a few years ago that Blur is responsible for some of the most amazing video game trailers that I've every seen. And they don't just make game trailers. They also make a lot of other CGI videos. My CGI experience isn't as solid as the folks in the 3D animation program, but it is something I enjoy doing. So maybe I could find an entry-level position in compositing, editing, or scene-building.
I've been a fan of Rooster Teeth since the early days of Red vs Blue. They're always hiring interns and starting new animated shows. It would just be a matter of proving my value to them.
It is my ultimate, end-goal dream to work for this anime studio. The thing about KyoAni is that they have a school that teaches people to draw, animate, and edit in their style. So there are three large barriers that prevent me from getting hired right after graduation: I don't live in Japan, my Japanese language skills aren't conversation-ready, and I would need to get into and then graduate from the KyoAni school.
A big place. Looks comparable to Blur, except they don't specialize in trailers.
Additional Gaming Studios
Blizzard Entertainment - Overwatch/Starcraft/World of Warcraft - Dream Big