Sunday, August 21, 2016

Mei Sticker Sheet

Every semester, I buy one, five-subject notebook for all of my class notes. Last year, I made a habit of putting a sticker on the front cover. The first sticker came with some anime figure I bought and the second was designed by a friend. This year I decided to make my own design. Mei is one of my favorite and most-played characters in Overwatch, so she was the obvious choice for a sticker design.

I originally planned to make just one sticker, but custom sticker-printing websites require that you buy your stickers in bulk. It turns out that on stickermule, it's cheaper to buy ten, 8.5x11 sticker-sheets than 50 single die-cut stickers. So that's what I decided to do. I chose 8.5x11 inches because I want the largest design to be about 6x6 inches. It's pretty cool that we live in a world where you can send images through the internet and get somebody else to print custom cut stickers for you, but $70 is still a lot to pay for stickers, so I had to come up with more designs to fill the page. My first idea was to make a bunch of different version of the original Mei head.

Unfortunately, seeing so many versions of the same sketch just made me tired of it. As much as I love Mei, I don't want ten pages of Mei heads. So, I made two text stickers, "MEI IS BAE" and "BRO, chill out." The first is a meme (if you haven't heard) in the Overwatch PLAY OF THE GAME style and the second is a reference to Mei's quote "HEY, chill out." I felt like "BRO" was more fitting for my designs.

After looping Mei's emotes for several hours, I didn't feel the need to sketch Snobal (the little robot). Instead, I just free-handed him in Photoshop and looked at references later to make changes.

At this point, I decided to include two Mei heads on the final sheet. The largest one is Mei wearing my beanie and the smaller one is obviously Mei with shades. I made the beanie in illustrator using pattern brushes to create the vectorized thread texture.

The last and fastest sticker I made was the one with Mei and her icewall. Some of you can probably tell that I used a standard Photoshop filter (I KNOW I'M LAZY I'M SORRY). I basically just combined two screenshots, put the cut-out filter on them and then drew the shadow underneath. Sure it's lazy, but I think it looks okay. I can imagine sticking it to something as a decoration. At the end of the day, that's all that matters with a sticker.

The stickers are on their way now. I'll post an update once they get here.

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